Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Poem for Mom

An Illustrated Poem for My Mom

Today is the day we celebrate you,
But I think we should celebrate every other day too.

There are so many reasons and I think you should know 'em,
So I thought I'd list a few of them in this amateur poem.

When it comes to Moms, I'd say you're better than great.
When it comes to cooking, your food is first-rate.

You say you'll "just make a casserole" with whatever you feel
Then the next thing I know, we have a four course meal.

Unfortunately, those dinner skills didn't fully transfer to me
I just had wine and tortillas because I overcooked broccoli. 

You put up with my tantrums when I was young, day and night. 
I was such a know-it-all. Good thing I grew out of that....right??

You told me I was pretty when I had acne and braces, 
Apparently being a Mom means you lie to kids' faces.
You helped me with homework and volunteered at my school
I'd invite you to lunch but then pretend you weren't cool

But really you're the coolest, so funny and so rad
I certainly didn't get all my coolness from Dad

I'm just kidding Dad, you're awesome, no doubt
But this poem's for Mother's Day so Mom's what it's about.

Mom, you also made sure I was well-groomed, well-dressed
Although, I'm not sure this outfit was really the best.

But when it comes to fashion, sometimes there's a miss
I just thank you for not putting me in this, like my Sis. 

I try to make you proud and be the best I can be. 
You're always supportive, even when I moved to D.C.

With that, I think I should start to conclude
Just know that I value you for more than your food.

(Although sitting here now, I'm not gonna lie
I wish I had a piece of your spaghetti pie.)

To make each of us happy, you go out of your way
So I hope that you enjoy your own special day.

Thank you, Mom, for all you've done and you do, 
Today and every day I admire and love you. 

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