Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Stars — They're Just Like Us! Only With Better Party Favors

You probably expected I would write a post about the Super Bowl since my beloved Carolina Panthers were in the big game. 

Well, I'm not. 
Charlie in shock that people don't like Cam

Not because I'm a sore loser and want to ignore the fact that we lost and our quarterback got sacked an outrageous number of times, but because everything that can possibly be said about the Super Bowl and the Panthers has already been said. All I'd personally add is that my love and loyalty to the Panthers has always been rooted in the good work they do off the field for the city of Charlotte and beyond, but their personalities, hard work, and genuine love of the game made this one of the most fun seasons to be a fan that I can remember. All the winning wasn't so bad either.

So, that's what this post is not about. 

Jeez, I could never be a professional blogger. Focus, Lindsay, FOCUS. 

While I was scrolling through Facebook reading the countless articles on why Cam Newton is [fill in your own adjectives and opinions here], I came across this Mashable article about the Academy Awards gift bags this year. (See how I managed a segue there? Maybe there's hope for me yet.) The gift bags are worth $250,000. A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS of swag for rich people. 

Beyond stating the obvious that these famous people don't need excessive gifts, I want to break this down a little more. What is this stuff that marketing and PR teams pushing so hard that they're giving it away for free in hopes that it will wind up in a J.Law Instagram post? In other words, I hijacked the Mashable article so you could see the ridiculous list and I provided my unsolicited and uninformed thoughts.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Ain't Goin' Down 'Til the Sun Comes Up

I had a pretty epic weekend last week. So epic that I had to wait until this weekend to tell you about it because I was still recovering. 

I wasn't recovering from physical ailment or overindulgence, but rather from the emotional high of such a fun and nostalgic time with friends. Also from a lack of sleep, but I'll get to that.

If you are a fan of country music or live music or America in general, then you may know that Garth Brooks recently came out of retirement to tour again. Except he's been doing it in this really frustrating way in which he only announces a few city stops at a time so you don't know if or when you'll be able to attend. 

I guess when you're a country music legend you can do that kind of thing. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2016 Resolutions: February

It's time for me to make my February resolution. Actually, yesterday it was time. 

January's goal to watch my spending went surprisingly well. I was probably aided by the fact that I had to cancel a trip to Atlanta and went five consecutive days without speaking in-person to another human being due to Winter Storm Jonas. I was like Tom Hanks in Castaway, except instead of talking to a volleyball, I talked to the characters on the television ("Dammit Stabler, you know the co-worker's nanny is guilty!"), and instead of not showering, I used the time to apply various hair and face masques. (That's how you spell it when you're fancy.)

My pores are smaller and my wallet is fatter. Not too shabby, January. 

Seeing as one month of a strict budget didn't magically pay off my students loans, I will try to continue that habit throughout the rest of the year. But, it's a new month and I'm ready for a new challenge.