Sunday, March 9, 2014

Moving On Up (er, Down)

I'm supposed to be packing. I have less than a week to finish packing up my apartment and so I really should be packing. 

But, you know how that goes

Instead I'm making playlists on Spotify (you know, to motivate me) and watching a Friends rerun. I'm about as good at staying on task as I am at staying on topic. Speaking of which, can you believe it's been 20 years since season one of Friends?  TWENTY. There is a whole cohort of people walking around with the ability to vote and buy cigarettes who were not alive when Friends started. I had to look up the year to make sure because I refused to believe that was true. That also led to me watching hilarious bloopers videos. It's not like I have anything better to do. Oh wait, yes, yes, I do...


Current state of packing. 
Here's the problem, I'm only moving within my building which means I'm highly unmotivated to get packed and organized. Thanks to the beauty that is "rent control," there is a less expensive unit available so I'm loading up the absurd amount of stuff I've been able to collect in my studio apartment and moving it five floors down to a new (to me) studio apartment. 

Although I didn't realize it at that time, packing to move states was a lot easier than packing to move floors. Then, I knew I had to wrap everything, put it in a box, label it, tape it up, and make it moving-truck-ready. Now, I look around and think, How many bowls can I successfully carry to-and-from the elevator without dropping them? I'm pretty awesome at balancing stuff. I probably don't need a box, right?

While I haven't been good at packing, per se;  I have been pretty good about throwing things out that I don't need. You may remember that I had to decide last time whether or not to pack important things like a CT scan of my own head. At the time, I kept that scan. But, surprisingly, in the last two years, no one has asked to see my sinus cavities. Go figure. So, I think that gem doesn't need to make the ride down the elevator with me. I'm also donating bags of clothes and getting rid of a stupid amount of Tupperware. Every night for the past couple weeks I've spent an hour or so looking through my stuff, throwing some of it out, and then collecting it on the floor to--you know--eventually pack. As you'll note from the photo above, I successfully packed the wine into a wine tote and moved a jar of q-tips from the bathroom to the coffee table to put into some sort of bathroom accessories box. That box is yet to be created.

I should probably get some boxes. 

I'm not worried though. It'll all get done. Worse comes to worse, I can just chuck stuff down the trash chute and just have someone standing by on my new floor to catch it when it falls. It'll be like back at Davidson when we were up against the "get-out-or-get-fined" deadline of the residence halls and would just toss comforters and clothes out the window to our cars and patient parents below. 

Fear not, I'll keep you posted on my move and will be sure to post pictures. Spoiler alert: the new apartment will look almost identical to my current apartment, but without, you know, Tupperware and x-rays. I'm excited!

In the meantime, here's what I've been up to while I haven't been blogging to you fine folks: 
It snowed! It snowed! I know we are supposed to hate the polar vortex and be sick of all the snow but I still find it so exciting! We got about 10 inches a couple weeks ago which was probably the most snow I've ever seen at one time. I clearly had to go run through it and take lots of pictures. I also saw a snow plow! It was exciting stuff, y'all. While I'm ready for warm weather and sundresses, I'm sorry I'm not sorry that I love the snow. 

Lady Antebellum are (is?) finally on tour, so clearly we had to go see them at the Patriot Center. They were joined by Kip Moore and  Kacey Musgraves, who it turns out I like! I thought I didn't like her because I guess I'm mean and judgy. Turns out, she puts on a great concert and her songs are so damn catchy. Consider this the warm up to our summer full of country music concerts. 
We had the inaugural meeting of the Boozy Craft Club (BCC)! Inspired by my 28th birthday party, we painted pottery and had sangria and sombreros at Alero. Kristin won crafting with her Beauty & The Beast-inspired piece. I made a spoon rest that looks ridiculous, yet functional. We look forward to many BCC meetings in the future. 

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