Last Monday was Labor Day which apparently is supposed to symbolize the end of Summer. I, for one, think the first day of Fall should signify the end of Summer but, what do I know? I still wear white after Labor Day so I'm clearly not trustworthy. I'm an anarchist. Until I no longer melt my face off on the Metro, I'm going to go ahead and say that it is still summer.
Sadly, summer doesn't really mean as much when you aren't in school. It took me a while to catch on to the fact that summer is just another - albeit hotter- season when you have a job. I remember, in my first year out of school, suddenly coming to the realization that, not only do I have to work all summer, but I can take vacations any time during the year. That was hard to wrap my head around.
Nonetheless, we all still have an affinity for summer, probably because we spent the first 21 years of our lives thinking it was a big deal. Or, maybe you have a beach house? I think a beach house would add more meaning to summer. If you want to invite me to your beach house, I'd be willing to test out that theory for the sake of this blog.
I wish I could go back to the days when we went to the pool all day and my biggest concern was how much more time we had to do underwater handstands before they blew the whistle for the dreaded, awful, every-kids-nemesis adult swim. Such an ageist ritual. Those 15 minutes always felt like an hour. I used to get mad because the adults would get in there and just walk around or swim super slowly - what a waste! I would be forced to go to the concession stand and kill time eating a microwaveable pizza and a popsicle. I guess the chewy pizza crust and sugary water were the consolation prizes of adult swim.
Those were the days.
Despite my nostalgic rant on ageist swim club practices, I have to admit that the present summer has been pretty awesome. In honor of this so-called "end of Summer" I thought I'd take a pictorial look back on my first summer in DC. Some of these photos you've already seen. Some of them you haven't. Mainly this post is just a reason to use the PicFrame app that Catty told me would be well worth the 99 cent charge to buy it. Who doesn't love a photo collage? If you answered that rhetorical question with, "me" then I suggest you read no further. (And possibly, re-evaluate our friendship. I just don't know how this can work out.)
Happy Post-Summer, Pre-Fall!
Clearly the highlight of the summer. I'm pretty obsessed with that little monkey butt. And, I use that term endearingly. My favorite photo is the one in the bottom left corner where he looks adoringly at my sister with his hands tucked under his chin. I think he's actually just begging for milk. Already working that cuteness to his advantage. We're all in big trouble.
Davidson Reunion
This scrapbook is out of order. If it was in order, then this page would be first and Charlie would be last but this is MY scrapbook and I say Charlie goes first. But, I digress. Yes, my summer kicked off with an fun trip back to NC for my 5 year college reunion. I lived in the dorm, caught up with friends, got a free tote bag. Perfection. Perhaps you read about it here?
Marine Parade
My friend Libby was in town for a summer internship (Libby, I say it's still summer...come back!) and invited me to go to the Marines' Sunset Parade at the Iwo Jima Memorial. Her brother was participating and so we packed up a blanket (er, a towel), a loaf of bread (of which we ate it all), a hunk of cheese and ventured out to have ourselves a patriotic picnic. From "The Commandant's Own" to the drum and bugle corp to the silent drill platoon - it was very impressive. In fact, we had so much fun that we went two weeks in a row. It's a great (and free) way to spend a summer evening with friends. You can read more here.
Here Comes Trouble Baby Shower
Here Comes Trouble was right! Who knew the precious little troublemaker would come early? Charlie, we didn't mean for you to take the theme so literally. For a full recap on all the baby shower/Jell-O shot festivities, check out the past post here. (I still can't fix those glowing eyes.)
MP Girls Weekend
MP stands for Myers Park. Or rather, my high school. Since those fateful four years, my girlfriends and I have tried to get together at least once a year for a girls weekend away. Unfortunately, not everyone is always able to join but we do our best. We used to go to the mountains, but with so many of us residing in or near the mid-atlantic states, we decided this year to meet in DC. More specifically, Old Town Alexandria, VA. (So, not DC. But close enough.) Through some crazy deal, Liz was able to get a two-room hotel suite that cost each of us just under $13. That's right, you heard me. If this whole "Naval Officer thing" doesn't pan out, I think Liz should be a travel agent. I'm pretty sure all my meals that weekend each cost more than my hotel. We shopped, wandered, wined and dined...all the important elements of a successful girls weekend.
Wedding Weekend
Because we didn't get enough of each other, we followed up our girls weekend with another reunion weekend two weeks later. This time, the reunion took the form of a wedding as Caroline "Batchy" Batchelor became Caroline "Batchy" McLean. Much dancing ensued.
Since I wrote a whole post on how I hope to live life as a tourist, I tried to take in some cultural activities periodically throughout the summer. Just last weekend, I went to the National Museum of African Art. It was raining outside, the five people I know in this town were all gone, the museum sounded interesting and most importantly, it was free. So, I grabbed my Metro card and ventured out on my own for an afternoon of art. I don't know much about African art (at least, I didn't until last weekend) but the museum is really interesting and has some cool exhibits. In case you're curious about the photo in the bottom right corner, it's obviously a constellation. You were supposed to use colored pencils to find a constellation among a sheet of starts. That's the one I found.
All in all, a pretty good Summer. Your turn, Fall. Show me whatcha got.
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