Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One Score and Seven Years Ago

One score and seven years ago, I was born. And today I celebrated my first DC birthday at Lincoln. But, we'll get to that.  

I started my birthday by waking up to a boat-load of well-wishes on Facebook. I don't mean this to sound like I think I'm important. I bring it up for two reasons:
  1. Don't you people sleep? 
  2.  If you ever think, "hmm..should I say happy birthday to this person? I haven't seen him/her in a long long time," then, the answer should always be YES. It feels good to have people wish you a happy birthday. 
I continued the birthday cheerfulness by treating myself to a large iced green tea at Caribou Coffee. (I know, dream big.)

As exciting as iced green tea is, I was most looking forward to going out with friends after work.

Thanks to my sister for organizing the soiree. I feel bad that she had to do it a bit last minute but I literally forgot it was the week of my birthday. I was so preoccupied with figuring out all my stuff with the DMV that I hadn't noticed the calendar. (Ugh, I must be a grown-up or something.) So, despite her requests, I didn't email her names of my friends until Monday. Fortunately (in this case), I only know about 5 people in this city. 

Per the suggestion of social guru, Jessica, we met at Lincoln

Now, if there's anything I love, it's a theme. And the thematic decor at Lincoln was awesome. Who would've thunk it? "Lincoln" is not what readily comes to mind when brainstorming themes. I don't remember a Lincoln Party in college. Although, that would've been pretty cool. Instead of party t-shirts, we could've gotten tall hats. Take note, college kids. 80s parties are out. 

Jessica and Mary Todd.
(I tried to use Instagram to create a very "Mary Todd" look. Reality does not match my vision.)
I guess I just need to get used to fact that I live in DC now where Presidents and history are always the theme. 

They creatively captured a theme without making it cheesy. It wasn't "Lincoln goes to Appleby's." There were incredible light fixtures, interesting and colorful artwork, and a floor made of pennies. A. floor. made. of. pennies.

We were able to sit outside because DC decided, despite the freezing temperatures yesterday, that today would be a beautiful one. (Make up your mind, DC!) Our outside positioning also allowed us to take in the sights. And, by "take in the sights," I mean:
  1. The marching band that came walking out of the restaurant. That's right. Members of a marching band. In uniform. With instruments. I don't really understand why they were there or how we didn't hear them. 
  2. Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor showed up for my birthday. Actually, she showed up to go to the place next door - she must've had the wrong address or something. I can't say with 100% certainty that it was her but, based on her transportation and security detail, that was the consensus of our table. (At some point in my life, I want a motorcade. Just for one day, I'd like to be able to pull a u-turn in the middle of the street, flash lights, and then just have the driver camp out and block a line of traffic. I'd also like a security detail. Preferably a handsome one. See what you guys can do about that, please.) 
When the waitress came to take our drink order, I was perusing the wine list. You see, I'm not really into cocktails. Even though they seem so chic and look uber classy, I'm more of a wine-and-beer-kinda-girl. But, then I heard the waitress say, "...copper mug." Um, what? It's served in a copper mug? I want a copper mug! The beverage in question was the Moscow Mule (housemade ginger, Skyy vodka lime). 

I couldn't remember the last time I had a cocktail. I was planning on sticking to wine. Then, Anna ordered the Moscow Mule. And, I knew I'd get really jealous of that copper mug. So, I did what I had to do and ordered myself a Moscow Mule. I often suffer from the infrequently diagnosed, "Order Envy" disease. You know, when someone makes a better menu decision then you and so you spend the whole meal staring longingly at their plate wishing you'd been as smart. You'll notice, if you've ever eaten with me, that I often order the same thing as other people at the table. That's in an effort to fight off the Order Envy. 

So, that's how I came to the decision to order myself a cocktail. And it. was. delicious. 
Moscow Mule
My sweet sister, who organized drinks despite not being able to drink in her pregnant state, got the mocktail Moscow Mule. But then, get this, not only did she not get to partake in the alcohol, but she didn't get a copper mug! Apparently they ran out...

...but not before I got my copper mug. I got the last one.The waitress clearly saw how important that was to me. Sorry, sister. You get a baby, I get a copper mug. At least you get to keep yours forever. Mine was taken after the last sip. 

All this talk of copper mugs is making me hungry (illogical segue...just go with it, please) so let's talk food. Lincoln has a really interesting menu. We ordered Truffled Sweet Potato Fries with three dipping sauces. Spoiler alert: one of the dipping sauces is ketchup. I guess calling it a "dipping sauce" sounds more classy. Or maybe that's what Lincoln called it. Either way, the fries were delicious.

We supplemented our sweet potato fries with Lobster and English Pea Risotto Balls. Now, call me crazy, but I don't see Abe and Mary Todd sitting down to eat some risotto balls so I'm thinking the Lincoln theme is focused more on decor and barware than on the menu. Historical inaccuracies aside, those risotto balls were wonderful. Melissa ordered some kind of Mint and Pea Gazapacho which was also quite good. It was supposed to be served with crab toast. After questioning what crab toast is and if pregnant people can eat it, they didn't even bring the crab toast! Man, Lincoln really had it out for my sister. Homegirl just could not catch a break.
Gazpacho (In a giant bowl. Crab toast not included, apparently)
For dessert, we shared the Brown Butter Fudge Cake and Rhubarb Crisp Panna Cotta. I rarely meet a dessert I don't like and tonight was true to form. The cake was my favorite. 

All in all, it was a great birthday. Thanks to Melissa, Anna, Lauren, and Jessica for celebrating with me tonight. Thanks to all my Facebook friends for the day-long love-fest. And, thanks to Abe Lincoln for being awesome.  


  1. Once again you entertain me to no end. I must not have much of a life because I seriously live mine through you! :)

  2. I've been to Lincoln and it was SO COOL! So glad someone else I know has been there too now! I couldn't get over the gigantic white chair/bench with pennies in the upholstery. Or the bathroom decor. Or the penny floor. The whole place was rad. Yay! Happy birthday!

  3. Catty, we should put it on the list for our reunion!
